CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Cancellations, Refunds: The Vegas Effect

Pollstar: The inevitable cancellations because of the Las Vegas festival shooting are beginning, while the Austin City Limits Festival is taking the unprecedented gesture of offering refunds for those feeling uncomfortable attending outdoor events.

Jennifer Lopez has called off this week’s Vegas residency shows at The Axis At Planet Hollywood, citing Sunday’s mass shooting.


Anabel Shuckhart said...

The events that took place in Las Vegas late on Sunday night were horrifyingly inhuman, un-American, and totally senseless. The idea that there has been so little movement toward preventing events like these, even after Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, Orlando, etc. is incredible to me. Gun control does not come from implementing more guns into our society, and it should not be easier to get a gun than birth control in any state. And yet, we have people living in and leading this country who are not able to wrap their heads around any of these concepts. We must remember that the issue of having more shootings than days in one year is not a global problem, it is a solely American problem. I am happy to hear that so many artists and festivals are respecting the loss and confusion of the victims and their families, and I hope to see a more similar response across the country soon.

Beck Lazansky said...

I, along with everyone else, am shocked and in disbelief over the mass shooting in Vegas. It’s scary to think about the fact that our generation is alive during the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, that this will make it into textbooks, and have a serious and irreversible effect on the entertainment industry and entertainment culture. I applaud and commend the statements made by the festival and responses made my performance companies throughout Las Vegas. The festival immediately offering refunds is also really reassuring; it shows that they truly do care about the comfort and safety of the attendees, and not just profit. Their statement included listing the precautions they take, such as pat downs and bag checks, which I’m sure will be more enforced and possibly made stricter due to this event. It really does hurt that this is the world we live in, and my heart goes out to anyone affected.

Shahzad Khan said...

Its both heartbreaking and devastating to know that a person with a gun can singlehandedly inflict fear on a ginormous population of people. What happened in Vegas happened due to the issues with gun control in our country today. This sets the clock back on the atmosphere revolving entertainment over 10 years. I understand fully why one might feel a stigma and trauma towards festivals due to this, but its just frustrating to know that so many businesses are suffering due to this. I was pleased to know that festivals have been packed with proper security against these actions, although its a topic that entertainment providers never want to think about as being a plausible issue to happen at their event. I also find it respectful that these concerts and premieres were cancelled in respect to shootings.
The shooter premeditated a scenario at a very particular festival where he knew he would have access to these people, I hope that out of this tragedy can come stricter rules and location scouting and security for the entrainment industry so they are able to protect their patrons even more so, and I really hope that this can serve as yet another wakeup call for our government to start leaning towards a solution rather than simply hiding the problem behind the second amendment.

Claire Farrokh said...

Since the horrible tragedy of the Vegas shooting this past Sunday, gun safety and crisis management have come up in a couple of my classes. In Technical Direction I, we were discussing what could have been done security-wise to have prevented the shooting from happening. However, it seems like thee was little to nothing that could have been done differently. With public, outdoor events like this music festival, there are so many variables that are out of anyone's control. With this in mind, it makes a lot of sense that so many outdoor festivals are giving people the option to cancel their ticket purchases, or are just cancelling their events altogether. It is truly terrifying how frequent these mass shootings are becoming, and also how many different settings they are occurring in. It seems like no matter how tight security is, the possibility of things like this is nearly impossible to entirely eliminate.

Josh Blackwood said...

The events at the Harvest fest are tragic. Are they isolated? We hope so. The criminal chose his target, an outdoor event where he had an advantage over the concert-goers. The criminal had an advantage because he didn’t have to worry about passing a security check and as we have found out during the investigation, there were other outdoor festivals that he looked at. While all this is sad, what hurts more to me is that festivals and events are now canceling shows. This is how a criminal wins. After 9/11, the US moved quickly to get back to normalcy. To show that a tragic event would not break the resolve of Americans. Now, so many people are feeling hurt, even if they had no connection to any of the people in Vegas, that we are canceling shows and events. Time to bring that resolve. People who work in the entertainment industry don’t often get personal time, vacation time or sick time. So when a show cancels, people are out of work. In the case in Vegas, with all these shows canceling, it means that people are not working which means they are not meeting the financial needs of their families. It goes back to when Justin Bieber cancelled the rest of his tour. All those people out of work and no getting paid what they had budgeted or expected. I doubt that JLo made sure that the staff of her now canceled show would still get paid their contracts. Thoughts and prayers don’t pay the bills, work does. Canceling shows allows the criminal to win. Resolve doesn’t.

Rachel Kolb said...

The shooting that occurred in Vegas this week is a tragedy. It’s so horrible that a person would decide to shoot a group of people who are just at an event to have fun and experience the arts. And we are seeing the repercussions of the Vegas shooting in the cancelations and postponement of events. I believe these cancelations are justified because they are out of respect for the victims, their families and the town of Las Vegas and they are also due to legitimate security concerns of these events. But, I do not believe that events should be canceled out of fear. The arts should never close down out of fear because they are suppose to offer hope and discussion to our world about these turbulent times. If we just cancel things out of fear then the acts of terror or these senseless acts of violence are doing what they are intended to do. Sound is something that interest me and if I end up declaring sound, I think concert mixing would be such a cool thing to do, but these mass shootings at music events, Vegas, Manchester, it makes me wonder, would I really want to put myself in an occupation where shootings are common. Or my view just naïve? I don’t want my trepidation of shootings at music events to stop me from perusing concert mixing if that is what I chose to do.

Unknown said...

It is very scary to think that these mass shootings can happen anywhere and at anytime. There are a lot of safety measures that the venues are going through, but there is only so much they can prevent. No matter how many safety checks they did at the venue, they would not have been able to stop the shooter from shooting from the outside. There was no solution that would have prevented this, except him not being allowed to have those guns. People are canceling concerts for now, but it is very possible that this could happen later at another concert that has a lot of people at it. I am sure there are some people that might not want to go to an event like this ever again because they are scared of situations like this. It is very difficult to take yourself out of these experiences because you are scared of what could happen, when something like this could happen anywhere at anytime and you have no way of knowing. You cannot tell people to just stop living their lives to prevent them from being in a situation like this.