CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Live Sound: Decisions, Decisions: Thinking About Upgrading Your Inventory?

Pro Sound Web: Like most production company owners, I regularly take stock of my equipment inventory, evaluating the need for updates or additions to match current and future needs. A recent audit led me to consider investing in higher powered 12- or 15-inch-loaded stage monitors.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The tips that Mr. Leerman offer ring true not only for sound purchases, but I would imagine for many different industries. Zooming out a bit, buying new gear and "stuff" requires analyzing many more factors than just whether or not one can afford it. ROI, compatibility, reliability, and usability all factors that should go into every purchase, not just sound! I know that I'm going to squint at every potential purchase a little harder from now on!