CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Right Blend: Six Strategies For Adding Musicality To Technology

ProSoundWeb: As both a musician and a sound engineer, I think about this topic a lot. My musician friends discuss recording and sound reinforcement with me quite often – for many of them, these are daunting subjects. Although the two disciplines are often found working together, they’re quite different in the knowledge base and certainly the direct skills required to be successful at either one. That said, both require practice, perseverance, the ability to work with others, and continual learning.

1 comment:

Phoebe Huggett said...

The immediate part of this piece that I resonated with was the fact that, although we have a ton of options to work with, they can all be incredibly overwhelming as to what is good to use. One thing I know I do with physical mediums that is perhaps not always ideal is the fact that I tend to use whatever I can get my hands on and work with that, but when it comes to most digital mediums, I get some completely overwhelmed, especially when it comes to video, photo, or audio editing a lot of which I’m currently doing for a project. Another interesting quote that popped out from this article for me was the discussion about forgetting why we use certain things. This is definitely something I’ve noticed in my highschool, there were always certain tools or times or ways of doing things that lost their meaning to us that had no reason belonging there, and in my later years there it was very fun to push some of those, learn new ways to use tools that we hadn’t before.