CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

We Had a Convening About Comedy in Theatre and People Couldn’t Stop Farting

HowlRound Theatre Commons: Do you remember laughing at something so hard that it made you pee a little? Do you remember having an intense emotional release triggered through seeing something funny? What about experiencing a moment where comedy has disoriented and destabilized you and/or a culture, or where you have felt how sharp and precise comedy strikes at the heart of societal and personal problems? Do you remember how healing laughter can be? Do you remember joy?


Mia Zurovac said...

I think that the demand for comedy is always high. No matter what is going on in the world, comedy has always been around to make people laugh and forget about whatever they need to forget. I though, in this generation, that the demand for comedy is still the same rate of high but the only difference is that it's a different type of comedy that is being demanded. In this article, they started off by saying that there was a big gap in the comedy world. America’s comedy is third most unfunny. To me that was surprising to hear but I guess it could make sense, due to the fact that I am not immediately exposed to other comedy, so I don’t have much to compare it to. I think that comedy has evolved a lot and of course some form of comedy is going to be more evocative than others, but comedy is a personal thing. It depends on your mood and style in that moment to tell what good comedy is for you.

Sophie Nakai said...

I think that comedy has a role in every show and can be used in an effective way but sometimes it is more harmful than good. If there are particularly inappropriate jokes than that can take people out of thw show and stop them from enjoying everything else on stage. I know that in the past, for me at least, hearing something super inappropriate in a show has stopped me from wanting to really watch the rest of the show. However I have also been watching dramas that have almost no comedic moments and that has made the show boring and long and not enjoyable either. A show needs a balance of both comedic and dramatic moments to be good and it needs to make sense in both the show and the current political climate. Comedy is important and can convey a lot of different messages that dramatic scenes sometimes cannot but it also is not always necessary.