CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

'Game of Thrones' security heightened during filming for final season Winter is coming ... and apparently, so is additional security.

HBO fantasy juggernaut "Game of Thrones" has been filming Season 8, set to premiere in April 2019, and the scripts and final plot lines have been kept tightly under wraps.


Simone Schneeberg said...

It’s weird how desperate people are to know the content of their unwatched shows, yet at the same time so many people are so vehemently against spoilers. What would people do with this content if they got their hands on it? I wonder what the Iranian hacker’s plan was had they not paid the ransom and not been able to get the script back. Would the show just write another episode? How difficult would that be given the schedule/ timeline of season’s production? It’s also a bit unsettling having the security being compared to the gestapo and secret police, although given the ensuing explanation of their operations it is not a misaligned comparison. It makes me think how insane the lengths we go as a society to protect mainstream arts and entertainment yet there is still such a negative view of people wishing to enter this industry that produces such consistently prized commodities.

Emily Stark said...

With the explosion in popularity of Game of Thrones, it’s no surprise that security has increased to alarming proportions. I find the security measures, such as having no paper on set, kind of funny. The amount of work and resources that have gone into keeping production secret is insane. Still, it’s completely understandable. The information that gets passed around set could make any reporter famous. It’s interesting how a show like Game of Thrones became so popular. There are plenty of books made movies/television that don’t get the same press or fame. It just goes to show how nobody can predict the success of a show. I would love to work on a show that has this amount of impact on people. It would be a totally new experience and speaks volumes about the power of entertainment and knowledge. It is sad that the set has to be basically closed off from the world, but it’s worth it to keep the cast and crew safe.

Kelly Simons said...

This is completely unsurprising. I am actually surprised that there has not been a mass shooting already at a film or television set yet. That sounds completely terrible and I feel evil writing this, but honestly...I can completely understand why HBO has hired more security for Game of Thrones. There are so many big names attached to the show, and there is so many behind the scenes information posted about Game of Thrones, mainly for the fans, but that information can easily be used to track down where the filming is happening and target the location as a place for violence. I really hope something does not happen to the people filming Game of Thrones, or any other film or tv series for that matter. We live in very scary times, and the mentally unstable or the morally misguided like to target celebrities because they know it will make them famous.

Madeleine Evans said...

Game of Thrones is a cash cow with untold numbers of sequels or prequels in the works, and leaks would cut down on revenue for the show. I can see why HBO has a vested interest in making sure that content that will have twists and turns, is not spoiled before it is broadcast. Game Of Thrones from the beginning attracted viewers by having the unexpected choice happen. Ned Stark's death, the Red Wedding, Dani and her dragons, all of it spectacle and suspenseful, and having that previewed before dampens the effect. I remember when the episode was leaked and I learned that one of the dragons died, I almost didn't want to watch it when it came out. I already knew the details, and was more interested in the next episode already. With the production costs on this show so high, I imagine that putting in protocols to shoot extra scenes or lock down the scripts is probably a drop in the bucket at this point. This is the final season, and HBO wants to be in control of this product, and I imagine that they have done the utmost to protect the content so that it can be unveiled in a manner that they see fit.