CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

SOLIDWORKS Part Reviewer Tool While preparing to teach my first lesson in a Fundamentals I class, I remembered that SOLIDWORKS has a Part Reviewer tool. Part Reviewer allows a user to simply go through each step of the CAD modeling process by stepping through each feature and sketch as they were created. This is great for companies that have multiple designers working on one CAD model because one designer will easily be able to pick up where the other designer left off.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I work almost exclusively in AutoCAD and I can tell you that the inclusion of a feature like this would be really great! It may be easier to track work now that Autodesk has added their 360 cloud capability. Having said that, the modeling in AutoCAD is much less intensive and dependent upon taking specific steps in the modeling of an object. This feature would be incredibly valuable in Autodesk’s Inventor, now I’m certainly no expert in AutoCAD, and especially not in Inventor but I’m pretty sure that a feature like this doesn’t exist in Inventor either. For those of you who don’t know, Inventor is Autodesk’s answer to Solidworks, both are incredibly powerful parametric modeling programs. In programs like both of these you depend so heavily on the relationships between sketches that make up a part, or are constrained in specific ways, if one of those sketches or constraints or features is deleted or altered in a way it could undo a great deal of work very quickly. Having the ability to make notes that can identify why certain features or sketches or parameters were set or defined could help the flow, and communication within a team working on a project, and make sure mistakes like those previously mentioned aren’t made.