CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How to Mic a Zombie Zombies exist solely in the realm of fiction — or do they? Audio-Technica thinks it better to be safe than sorry. Surviving a zombie apocalypse relies on preparedness in every aspect of life. Yes, that includes microphone technique.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know that this was meant to be a commercial for audio-technica, but it was actually really informational. Now I know what mic to best mic a zombie with! But seriously, zombies are human shaped, therefore to mic a zombie effectively is to mic a human effectively. There is, obviously, different levels of quality of mic as well as directional placement, but this video made a pretty clear explanation of it. The "3 inches below the mouth is optimal!" line was actually quite useful. I usually do the hand to chest method, which I think sometimes comes up with the same approximate location. It is nice to know that there is a real approved placement. I have to wonder how they came up with that placement though. It seems that anything too far below your chin and close to the throat would be bad because you would get all the voice box sounds and not necessarily the mouth articulation.