CMU School of Drama

Monday, October 27, 2014

All Aboard, Part One: Scenic Design Of The Passenger

Theatre content from Live Design: There are few productions that can truly inhabit the massive and imposing space of the Park Avenue Armory in New York City. At this year’s Lincoln Center Festival, in a co-production with the Park Avenue Armory, the Houston Grand Opera (HGO) production of Mieczyslaw Weinberg’s The Passenger arrived for its New York debut, ready to fill the space. Director David Pountney, whose Die Soldaten was also presented in the Armory in 2008, has filled the brutal and enormous space with powerful music.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

After going and looking up a few more photos of the Opera on Google, I see what they mean when they say a show of large scale. The set certainly did fill the space, and I dont think it did it lost the actors too much. I am reminded of a set that Dick showed the Design for the Stage class, it was a production of west side story performed on a set built out of a large docking pier in California. The set was so large that from the audience, the actors looked like ants on the side of a building. That is the worry with sets of large scale, over long distances, but I dont think this production lost them too much.