CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Priyanka Chopra on Feminism, Being ‘Fearless,’ and Why Diversity Shouldn’t Be a ‘Novelty’

Variety: Priyanka Chopra is proud to call herself a feminist, and frustrated with those who reject the label. “I see so many girlfriends of mine who are like, ‘No I’m not that much of a feminist.’ I don’t even understand that,” she says. “The need for feminism was created because there were no rights for women. That’s why there is not a man-ism, because they always had it.”


Unknown said...

It's really encouraging to hear so many mainstream women loudly proclaiming feminism now. I remember distinctly when I heard that Taylor Swift said she wasn't a feminist a few years back. As a young kid, I wasn't super easily impressionable but I was impressionable enough that I began to think that maybe feminism was just as bad as men putting women down.
With women like Priyanka Chopra around, I really hope the younger generation of preteens can grasp onto her ideology and thoughts around feminism and diversity. She is a wonderful role model in my opinion and hearing her ideas about equal rights, opportunities, and representation for women and women of color especially was very informative. I wish this could've been a longer piece; I'm sure she has a lot more to say about the matter and it's a matter that I also feel passionate about. I'm going to go out of the way to read more about her thoughts as they seem interesting and insightful.

Kimberly McSweeney said...

It is always great to see strong, public women displaying and voicing their opinions on the matters at hand, especially when they are members of the affected people. It is still a shame, however, that she needs to be defining feminism to her friends after all this time of mainstream feminism, I was hoping everyone would know that it’s not about attacking or belittling men, that it is about equal opportunities and rights for women. Chopra also goes into intersectional feminism with her viewpoints regarding being a woman of color and insisting that diversity is not something to been seen as special or novel, just something that happens and is average to everyday viewing. I think that is the thing that is going to take the longest amount of time because of these pockets of society that are majority white and honestly you just don’t see PoC as much as anyone else when living in one of these communities so seeing them on screen will be novel until it is normalized everywhere.