CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Dremel put a stud sensor and laser level into its new multipurpose drill

The Verge: Dremel has announced a new multi-functional drill designed for DIYers working on smaller projects around their homes like attaching a TV mount to a wall. The Blueprint Multi-Drill can be used to drill holes or drive screws but also features an integrated stud sensor and a removable laser level.


Julian Grossman said...

This thing is cute but in my opinion it seems like kind of a 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash situation. It doesn’t seem like it has equivalent functionality to a cordless drill OR a dedicated stud sensor. To me, at that point it’s like, you’re probably going to end up wanting a full function drill and full function stud sensor for some project at some point, so you might as well just buy the real deal now instead of spending an extra $100 for something with worse functionality. (I’m definitely going to end up investing in ceramic drill bits at some point for drilling holes in plant pots, and I would bet this thing doesn’t have the torque necessary for that.) That being said, the fact that you don’t have to bend down and switch your tools while working is pretty nice, and the tiny laser level is pretty neat. Using bubble levels to then activate the laser is a cool feature; I just feel like I’d rather pay for that on its own as a useful keychain fixture than pay $100 for a tool I’ll get frustrated with.

Abigail Lytar said...

To me, this seems like it would be a good idea but also I fear that it would never live up to my expectations. For a handy drill it might be fine but for a larger project than hanging a picture it would not be very useful. However, I can see the appeal of this drill for the general public because it allows the user to cut out having multiple tools for small jobs, and simplifies the process. I would question how long the battery lasts though but it is useful that it charges by a USB-C cable. I do wonder how long the reusable mounting putty is good for and if it truly will not damage the walls even after repeated use. I think that this would be a great tool to have around the house and even for small jobs maintaining a set but overall its purpose is very limited.

Eloise said...

I like that this drill is not attempting to appeal to professionals and is instead for the average person putting up things in their house. I do think they have room to make improved versions of this drill, primarily with a heavier duty stud sensor. I couldn’t fully tell from the article or pictures but I think there is a built in storage for the bits and drill bits in the drill handle, which I think is a much for any at home tools. I can understand not adding a space for bits on a professional level drill since they will have a tool box, but in home grade equipment I can’t count the amount of times I have tried to use something from home and couldn’t find all the pieces since they couldn’t be attached together and got all separated. If this drill does not have that feature of storage I think it would be a good idea for them. Otherwise I think it is a very cool and handy tool for exactly what it was designed to do.