CMU School of Drama

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Meow Wolf’s Dale Sheehan On Changing The Status Quo

Live Design Online: Eventually, the dumpster-diving, disruptive style of art that they brought into the community became pop-up shows that traveled around the country. Sheehan says they wanted to build immersive, maximalist, experiential art and accidentally invented it along the way.


Jessica Williams said...

I had the immense privilege and joy to be able to go to Meow Wolf's House Of Eternal Return when I was in middle school. I had grown up both in the theatre as well as in an interactive children's museum as my mother worked there and often used it as a sort of daycare when she had no other option for my brother and me after school. So I was not exactly a stranger to interactive design as well as theatricality in design. But when I first stepped foot into their House Of Eternal Return, I was completely blown away. I had no idea you could do that with art. It was a mystery that had no answer and was completely informed by the environment the designers had created. Meow Wolf completely opened my eyes to what is possible in both storytelling, design, and interactivity and how those can all inform each other in an almost museum like setting. I sincerely hope that sooner rather than later I will be able to go to their second location as I have heard very good things about it and if their first endeavor blew me away to such a degree, I have to assume their second will as well.

Stella Saame said...

I had never heard of Meow Wolf before this article, but I am now very intrigued by them and their works. Although the article and the pictures included already seem very cool, I wish I was able to see and experience these locations in person. With the current line-up of permanent locations, I am unlikely to be able to visit anytime soon, but hopefully they will be able to introduce more permanent locations or pop-ups outside of the Western United States. As mentioned at the end of the article, the company also takes pride in doing good. Some of the numbers are not specifically attributed to things, and obviously a company saying they are doing good for the world must be taken with a grain of salt, but their sustainability is definitely something to be proud of. Clicking on the link to the festival, I found very little about the festival itself, but they do have a sustainability report up on it. What little I could find about the festival seems somewhat adjacent to some of the music I listen to. I find it strange that up until this moment I was completely unaware of Meow Wolf. I will definitely keep an eye out for any opportunity to engage with a Meow Wolf experience for myself.