CMU School of Drama

Friday, December 08, 2023

CMU adds extended reality center with PNC, Fujitsu backing

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Virtual reality will find a physical home in the Robotics Innovation Center at Hazelwood Green, a Carnegie Mellon University project set for completion in 2025. But even before that space comes together, the school has launched an Extended Reality Technology Center, with three faculty co-directors and international financing.

1 comment:

Sonja Meyers said...

This is really cool. I had no idea CMU had this thing with virtual (or extended) reality stuff going on. I honestly have never heard the phrase “extended reality” instead of “virtual reality” prior to reading this article, and honestly, I didn’t really understand the difference. My interpretation was that extended reality is just mixing digital stuff into the actual reality, which honestly sounds a little scary and off-putting. I think it’s cool to have a real reality, and I think that playing around in VR worlds is fun, but I’m not sure how I feel about blurring the lines between those two. Cool in science fiction, but a little scary in real life. I think it’s interesting how this whole thing is going to be part of the Robotics institute. I just don’t think that would be my first guess if someone asked me where I thought the extended reality center would be placed.