CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 23, 2022

Sennheiser & Neumann Chosen By Top Voiceover Talent

ProSoundWeb: A trio of professionals in the competitive world of voice acting, including “Uncle” Roy Yokelson, Cliff Zellman and Bev Standing, all employ Sennheiser and/or Neumann microphones to capture their unique vocal stylings.

1 comment:

Sukie Wang said...

I agree what has been talked about in this article. Personally, I own 7 pairs of headphones/earbuds from Sennheiser and product from other companies. In my own opinion, whenever I’m in a zoon meeting, especially for presentations and interviews, I would tend to choose something from Sennheiser because they would not pick up on noise such as open or closing a door and would be able to help my audience hear my voice better. One of the online productions that I was involved in during lock down was The Addams Family Jr. with middle and high school students. With this production, we had to test everyone’s headphone voice collecting ability and if they have one that would work for our production. Because some of the students didn’t have it I lead couple of mine to them and their voice does sound clearer and small underlaying beats such as drums can be heard with my headphones so they were also able to practice their voice with the music better.