CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 30, 2022

Danny Boyle Matrix ‘spectacular’ to open Manchester’s Factory

Manchester | The Guardian: An immersive Matrix films-themed dance, music and visual effects experience directed by Danny Boyle is to be the opening production at one of Europe’s most anticipated cultural venues. The £186m Factory International in Manchester will, its supporters say, be like no other arts venue.

1 comment:

Melissa L said...

Oh, this is exciting. I'll likely never see it in person, but I'm a huge fan of Danny Boyle so I'm in full support of his artistic endeavors. Like Christopher Nolan, he manages to achieve an interesting, unique approach to the "blockbuster" genre that still feels very "indie film". I remember his 2012 Olympics opening ceremony, so I feel confident in thinking that this venture of his will be likewise spectacular.

Beyond Danny Boyle, though, the concept of this new museum sounds fascinating and very culturally relevant. I've been to the Tate Modern and it's unquestionably my favorite museum experience. The idea that this building combines theatre with our traditional concept of a museum is exponentially exciting. I hope Factory International paves a new perspective in how we display, catalog, and experience performance art.