CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Alec Baldwin’s ‘Rust’ Shooting Case: New Mexico Prosecutors Hint at Homicide Charges in Funding Request A New Mexico district attorney said in a hearing last week that her office could be close to charging up to four people in the fatal “Rust” shooting from last October with criminal charges relating to homicide.


Kaylie Carpenter said...

5. I am glad there is going to be accountability for this case. I hope Alec is getting help and support during this time. His testimony will be important in these investigations, but this is obviously a highly traumatic experience to continuously have to recount. I hope following these investigations and trials there are clear guidelines and laws to be passed that can prevent this in the future. It feels like a freak accident, and I hope we soon get answers that explain how this could happen and how it can be prevented from ever happening again. I do wonder what four people could be charged in this case. How many hands could this gun and bullets have been passed through. I think the fact that up to four people could be charged is already in indication of how far outside the safety measures they had been operating. Only the armorer and the actor should have been touching the prop, and therefore its hard to imagine you’d have four people to charge.

Brynn Sklar said...

I remember when the news first broke about this and I even recall writing a comment on an article about it back then. It is truly so many people's faults for how this played out. Obviously Alec Baldwin is a well known guy so they used his name as clickbait in the title but it is extremely misleading as to how many people were really involved in this tragedy. The District Attorney stated that up to four people could be charged because of this incident. Everyone who called that a cold gun, when it was not, while handling it that day should face some sort of consequence. I do not believe this was done with bad intentions, but it still led to an unfortunate ending. This entire situation was a terrible series of accidents and miscommunication. It is not every day when that leads to the death of an innocent woman. There is mention of larger industry calls for firearm safety, and I wholeheartedly agree.

Madison Gold said...

I am glad to hear an update about this incident. It was all over the news for a while but then the following seemed to drop a bit. I am glad that is seems we are closer to come answers about why this tragedy took place. I do hope to have more information about the situation on top of the arrests that they said they are planning on making. I originally thought that Alec Baldwin was just an innocent victim but it seems based on the comment about investigating his cell phone, he may still be considered a suspect. I guess they have not voided the possibility that it was an accident, based on other laws broken or the possibility that it was actually premeditated. It sounds like we’ll hear more soon. The situation seems to be complex and unfortunately expensive. The reforms from this are apparent and important and I am glad that changes are happening.