CMU School of Drama

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Applause for theater’s unsung hero: The stage manager If I had a stage manager, this column would have been written on time. The Year of the Stage Manager, an online initiative for education and visibility, came to an end June 30. But even if I’m six weeks late acknowledging it, there’s never a bad time to reflect on the importance of these theatermakers who stay out of the spotlight but are backstage superstars. It’s not a job for just anyone.


Sawyer Anderson said...
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Sawyer Anderson said...

I saw this article and I was drawn to it because I’ve never read anything about a stage manager, and I think that goes along with the point discussed in the article, that it is “part of their job is to be hidden.” It surprised me that stage managers are part of the creative team on a show, although in retrospect it makes complete sense as they know everything about every part of the show. I often wonder how that must feel to receive no recognition for everything you do on a show, but I guess in a way just as it takes a certain type of person to work with sick people it takes a certain type of person for your job to be invisible. It’s a very interesting dichotomy to me that I haven't quite figured out between that huge interpersonal portion of the people management and solitude.