CMU School of Drama

Monday, August 30, 2021

42 of the Most Mind-Blowing Special Effects Sequences in Movie History Admittedly, we’ve gotten a little jaded. Digital effects are so omnipresent in our blockbusters that we’ve come to expect the impossible from movies. Our sense of awe has been, perhaps, a bit dulled, even as we’re very easily disappointed (although I don’t see the human-feline CGI monstrosities from Cats pleasing anyone in any era). We watch movies for the rush of a brilliantly constructed moment—chasing the high of the coolest things we’ve seen in movies that we’ve loved.

1 comment:

Samantha Williams said...

Special effects totally change the energy of a movie. Could you even imagine Dr. Strange without the incredible, mind-melding effects their animators were able to achieve? Or the lack of impact Avengers: Endgame would have had if you took away the portals from that scene? Throughout cinema history there have been so many moments that special effects were used to totally enthrall, terrify, and delight an audience. I remember my dad telling me that when Jaws came out, the special effects used to make the shark made it so believable for people that they were terrified of the ocean. That movie single handedly created major misconceptions about sharks as a whole species. And while those effects might not look like much now, it is still a major representation of artistic creators from those years, as well as the progress we’ve made since then. One movie that is not on this list that I think deserves to be mentioned is James Cameron’s Avatar. It was a major commentary on white/American colonialism in addition to its record/ground breaking special effects. Definitely one of the best demonstrations of cinematic SFX artistry of all time.