CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Work of the Imagination

HowlRound Theatre Commons: Here I am. Making theatre during the worst global crisis in our recollected history as a planet; facing the worst economic outlook since the Great Depression as a country; with the highest number of unemployed nationwide; with surging gun violence in our major cities; when most people are critically facing the cumulative trauma of four hundred years of racial animus, systematic devaluation, federally supported and nationally amplified oppression, and ongoing disenfranchisement and brutality of Black and Brown bodies in America.

1 comment:

Rhiannnon said...

Wow. What I beautifully written article. I loved it and I needed it so much. I really related to her when she said that she was struggling to create to to use her imagination because of the situation. I had this idea going into quarantine that I would do so much art and I had so much time to be creative. But the stress and the isolation doesn’t breed creativity. It’s stifles it and I felt the same hopeless ess that the author talks about, she said “ Running out of imagination is like running out of faith, hope, energy, and goodwill.” that quote really struck me. On a more positive note I love how many artists are trying to reform the industry and I thought all her ideas were amazing. I loved when she talked about theater being medicine and artists as theaters. I’ve always found theater to be very therapeutic and it heals the soul. We need to make theater more than ever now.