CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A Little Bit of Magic I miss mixing shows. That thought has snuck up on me every week or so for the past several months. It’s always a tiny bit surprising because I knew I liked my job, but I’d never stopped to take stock of exactly how happy it made me. I know I’m not alone in that; all of us want to get back to our usual, wonderfully irregular lives. One of my favorite things about mixing is that there is always something to do.

1 comment:

Kaisa Lee said...

I really miss doing theater. I miss sitting in a dark theater before the lights come up after months of work in anticipation of what is to come. I miss the chaotic but completely controlled nature of theater, the way that anything can happen but as soon as it does it will be dealt with. I think this article captured the thought processes behind creating theater and missing it. While I don't have much sound experience I have had many similar experiences to the ones described in the article. I love being able to work and improve on something through the run of a show. I like how theater is a living breathing art piece that can evolve and change even after it opens. This is why I prefer doing theater to film or television because it is something that is always in progress. I can't wait until we can do theater in this way. Something that is just always slightly different and in the moment, just for the audience to enjoy that night. I can't wait to do theater again.