CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

How a local beer festival helped the Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre Company support new works

Features | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper: Usually, the only time craft beer and theater go together is when patrons sip a brew before a show. But another connection emerged recently when Mike Potter, one of the co-founders of Fresh Fest, a local event dedicated to showcasing Black brewers, gave a helping hand to the Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre Company

1 comment:

Mia Zurovac said...

I think new and fresh content is so important to recognize and produce. I think a lot of things that get in the way of people taking the initiative to create new content are resources. I think the biggest hindering resource factor is money. Many people who are creating are young and ambitious, therefore requiring a large budget in order to make their dreams come true and complete their vision- but a lot of young creative people don’t have enough money to cover it. The fact that they made a beer festival the primary funder of a new works organization for playwrights is a step that I hope to see more of in this world. The two parties not only helped each other but also created a completely new relationship that may come in handy later on. It engaged audiences that wouldn’t typically interact with each other, which I think is very cool and useful results to come out of a collaboration such as this.