CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Jessica Chastain Continues to ‘Balance the Scales’ For Gender Parity

Variety: Jessica Chastain‘s work for gender parity in Hollywood isn’t slowing down soon. “I have noticed, of course, now that it’s in fashion there are other people that are jumping on board, and honestly, I don’t care what their motives are,” Chastain tells Variety. “Because at the end of the day, the more we focus on creating opportunities for everyone — I don’t care if some people are doing it because it’s the fashionable thing to do. It’s also the right thing to do.”

1 comment:

Lauren Sousa said...

It was great to see some of the work that Jessica Chastain has been doing to promote equality in the entertainment industry, its really amazing work she is completing and supporting equality and diversity in the field. Though one of her statements I do disagree with though I understand her reasoning behind. She said that she doesn’t care what people’s reasoning for making these changes even if they’re just doing it to be fashionable opportunities are being created so it works. I disagree with this because as much as I agree with the creation of opportunity, I don’t want it to be a fashionable right now fix. I want it to be sustainable. To play devils advocate against my argument and perhaps the reasoning of the “I don’t care mindset” is that once these opportunities have been created the industry will realize how much better it is for having this equality in place and that the enrichment it creates will then make it sustainable. I can’t be sure but I know the idea of equality for genuine reasoning sounds better than checking a box, as well as knowing I won’t complain about more opportunities being created.