CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 28, 2019

On the Arts: If you're talking black theater, don't leave out Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “A comprehensive listing of all Black-run theatre and performing arts institutions in the U.S.,” the press release exclaimed. The March issue of American Theatre magazine focused on “The State of Black Theatre in the U.S.” and was offering up “Black Theatre Coast to Coast.” I immediately followed the link to see which Pittsburgh theaters had made the list.

There were none.

1 comment:

Simone Schneeberg said...

I think it is great that the response from the creators of this “comprehensive” list was so receptive and so immediate. The change was made without much fuss and without much delay, which really is the only appropriate response to a list claiming to be comprehensive and supporting the black theatrical community. If that had actually fought on the inclusivity of the list, that would have felt counter to the perceived purpose of such a list: to be a resource for those looking to support African American art and stories. It would have been different if it was a “best of…” list, but those are silly anyway, in my opinion, as they are so incredibly subjective and often lacking description of the choices. I find it almost disturbing, though, that even with such a strong arts community and a strong voice for minorities in the arts in Pittsburgh, so many people believe there is no culture here. Even native Pittsburghers I’ve spoken with believe that there’s nothing here but sports.