CMU School of Drama

Monday, March 25, 2019

Trump budget eliminates culture funding for a third year in a row.

The Washington Post: The Trump administration has again proposed the elimination of federal funding for the arts and humanities, public television and radio, libraries and museums.

For the third time in as many years, the White House has proposed a federal budget that would shutter the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting — which supports PBS and NPR — and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.


Ella R said...

Our president is one of the dumbest people ever. The only clever thing he did was get himself elected. The fact that he wants to take trillions of dollars away from these incredible public arts and humanitarian sections of government is not only ridiculous, but just horrible. His lack of consideration for people that are not in the 1% is preposterous. I’m happy that these agencies are still around considering that Trump proposed to eliminate them originally, but the fact that he can do that and no one has advised him against it really blows my mind. This budget cut reveals so much about his poor character and elitist mentality. That is not new information - but he’s definitely reinforcing what we all already know. Also the fact that the Republican-Led congress has continued to fund these agencies should reveal to Trump how stupid he is. You cannot get rid of arts education. It’s cruel and just fucking ridiculous.

Alexander Friedland said...

Though I do don’t like Donald Trump at all and completely thinks he says horrific things, I don’t think this decision is one we can pin onto Donald Trump completely. I think this decision is one backed by the Republican Party who value the lack of government spending and involvement in things like the arts. That being said, this is a really sad thing to be hearing about as someone who probably will work several jobs that are funded in part or entirely by the government. I think the parts of this article that are extremely interesting is how Trump and supporters of this budget cut call funding the arts a waste of money. I think it can just as easily be said that spending as much as we do on the military is ridiculous. It is horrific to think of the budget cuts that could very easily not only affect my job path but also the state of educating children in America. It is crazy when the article does the price break down to show that each citizen is really only paying a dollar thirty-five to contribute to a budget. It is amazing how much this proves that many hands make light work or rather many people add up to a lot of money.

Kaylie C. said...

I try not to jump to using these kinds of labels, but when I read about things like this I honestly believe Donald Trump to be a fascist. Art and culture is important. The production of good art is always the mark of a well developed society and suppression of it is seen in the worst moments of world history. With his suggestions to make protest illegal, his use of twitter to spread false information, and his complete disregard for the importance of art, I cannot help but be extremely worried for the future of this country. Not only does his behavior scare me, but especially the behavior of the Republican party which scrambles to support him, skewing their own party's values towards a more deeply right-wing, fascist direction which terrifies me to no end. I understand that the Republican party has always been inherently anti-government programming, but being completely against any funding for the arts and supporting every view Trump has is different than previous administrations.