CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 29, 2019

The Beautiful Lies of Sound Design with Tasos Fratzolas

Stage Directions: From gunshots in a canyon to underwater submarine engines, this audio-rich talk explores the role of sound design in modern storytelling. founder Tasos Frantzolas looks at a variety of multimedia examples to show the ways that sound designers ‘lie’ in creating the sonic palette of film, television and interactive media.

1 comment:

Chai said...

I enjoy this Ted talk for the simple reasons that it stays simple. So much can be done with sound, and often we get so involved with the small details that we forget the small simple steps that our brain automatically takes to tell us what sounds are. Focusing so much on context and the versatility of sound is important, but what I really love is the recognition of how much our brains and ears do without us being conscious of it. We do however, become aware of these actions, when entertainment lacks these qualities. The room tone, ambiance noise is one of the few things which keeps our bodies in safe mode when our eyes are closed. Noise is such an important and overlooked sense in our survival, and using it one can amazingly shake a whole experience of someone. This makes me think of the next step. Once you recognize and use what is regular to us, how can we recreate that with none of its original components? How can we redefine how our bodies experience a foreign environment using its built in programming?