CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Using Art To Tackle Air Pollution: A Story From A Nairobi Slum

The Theatre Times: Air pollution is recognized as a major threat to human health worldwide. Nine out of ten people breathe polluted air, resulting in 7m premature deaths a year.

While air pollution respects no boundaries and affects almost all of us, it impacts some populations more than others. Deaths attributed to air pollution are ten times more likely in low and middle-income countries compared to high-income countries. Sources of outdoor air pollution include industry, traffic, and agriculture. Sources of indoor air pollution are mostly cooking and heating using solid fuels (including wood and charcoal).

1 comment:

Katie Pyzowski said...

It seems kind of ridiculous to me that campaigns against pollution often meet resentment because of the lack of communication with the community about what they actually need. I guess this is because of the “ ‘academic’ preconceptions” many people have regarding pollution “which can [and does] result in a blinkered view” in regards to how to fix these problems. I think it is great that this week long workshop was able to bring this community together and voice their experiences regarding the pollution that directly affects them in a creative format. However, none of the work this workshop did anything to actually do anything against pollution. I don’t know if this movement plans to use the information they learned from the community to help the community put into action ways to stop pollution, and I do think that art is important to building unity within a community and fostering communication, but it all seems kind of surface level if there is no deeper step that brings this community actively closer to solving their pollution problem.