CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wick Editor: Create Animations with Coding

AMT Lab @ CMU: Wick Editor is a free, online and open-sourced creation suite for people to make digital frame-by-frame animations, games and art. Inspired by Adobe Flash, the software was created and is led by CMU alumni, Zach Rispoli and Luca Damasco. Unlike traditional animation software which only provides download versions, Wick Editor has no download requirement and is available for all users for free.

1 comment:

Lenora G said...

We learned about a similar coding interface in Media class last mini, and I think the application of making coding available to everyone and accessible to artists is an unoccupied niche part of the industry. We used a different interface that was a little bit better developed in terms of their available tutorials and the streamlined nature of the coding interface. It made coding easier to learn because there was a clear glossary and you could download working codes to analyze why they work and how to adjust it and make something similar for yourself. This technology could be a really useful tool to keep in the artists arsenal, or a media designers arsenal, and it could actually really benefit all of us to learn because we are steadily entering into a society entirely controlled by computer codes. Understanding a little bit about how that code works and how to write it for ourselves can have immeasurable benefits across the board.