CMU School of Drama

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Fifty Shades of Failure

The Creativity Post: Once upon a time everybody wanted to succeed. Failure was not an option. Except that it was. So, at some point, someone came with the innovative idea that failure is an inherent part of the creative process. Everyone was relieved because it is a well-known scientific fact that failure is the default outcome of any activity and you must invest energy to prevent it. When failure became an acceptable result, everything seemed to be a bit easier.

1 comment:

DeKlyen said...

This was a very interesting article to read, for it refreshed some very core beliefs of my own. By breaking down failure into a matrix, you could see the black and white version of the creative process. I have always believed prototyping and failing and growing were key. And having an article to take that ideology and break it down, it adds another viewpoint to consider. Additionally, thinking of results in terms of the matrix can help distinguish qualities of Good Execution, which was my main takeaway to think about -- what makes up Good Execution? That key aspect within the design process really intrigues me into wondering how to utilize it, nomilize it, devise it to help me move forwards with my ideas and concepts. I know I have some bad ideas because I would overthink the process, so knowing the good execution process for myself would help reduce the failed attempts and turn the overthinked ideas into more simple, probable and achieved manifestations.