CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Is This the One Productivity Tip Guaranteed to Work for Anyone? I love to find new ways to be more productive. Simple productivity tricks. Or ways to work smarter, not harder. Or more ways to work smarter, not harder. Or simple steps for exceptional daily productivity, easy ways to streamline your workday, and even ways to make your employees more productive.
Clearly I'm into productivity, whether personal or professional. (Wait, is there a difference?)
So when an audience member asked for my favorite productivity tip, one that anyone could use, I had to stop and think.
And then it hit me: Always leave yourself a fun place to restart.

1 comment:

Julian said...

I’ve always tended to stop working when I have finished a clear phase or step in a project, but I will definitely give this a try. I enjoy creative writing and I tend to work on longer stories (I am working on a novel right now.) I have definitely have situations where I will get interrupted while in the middle of a scene or just before an important scene, and I am always dying to get back to writing. However, my general habit is to write the bridge/ lead in to the next interesting scene, write the scene, then stop. Looking back on it, a lot more time does tend to elapse between writing scenes in that way than the times when I get interrupted. Even though the natural thing to do is work to stopping points, Haden’s explanation for why that isn’t ideal makes a lot of sense. Procrastination relies on someone not wanting to do something, stop when you still want to do it, and you have taken away procrastinations primary weapon and given yourself something to look forward to. Of all the productivity and efficiency tips I have seen, I think this is one of the better ones.