CMU School of Drama

Friday, July 25, 2014

Carpenters, Stagehands, Costume Makers Rally to Publicize Contract Dispute with NY Metropolitan Opera

US News : Latin Post: Carpenters, stagehands, lighting crews, designers, costume maker and ticket sellers -- all member of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees -- held rallies at different cinema locations across New York City Wednesday night to publicize ongoing contract negotiations with the Metropolitan Opera.
The protests were held at cinemas in midtown and downtown Manhattan broadcasting the Metropolitan Opera's "Live in HD: Summer Encores."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Metropolitan Opera is clearly in some trouble. With their declining ticket sales I can understand that they need to make some cuts somewhere. What I cannot understand is why the general manager is getting a raise while all of the hard workingmen and women behind the scenes are struggling to avoid all sorts of cuts. It’s just not right. It is absolutely appalling. Aside from that, I think the better route to take would be to decrease the number of shows produced. If ticket sales are declining just produce a few less shows. That way the content is still there and no one gets any cuts or is let go because of the money saved by not producing as many productions. This strategy just makes sense to me and I cannot imagine why they have not thought of this. The people doing all of the hard work behind the scenes do not deserve to be treated this way. The general managed clearly has no conscience and if he wants this company to survive, unlike the New York opera, he better re-evaluate his strategies.