CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 10, 2008

'So You Think You Can Dance' steps up with live energy

Post Gazette: "The evening featured taped bits from head judge Nigel Lithgoe, host Cat Deeley and 'SYTYCD' itself. But it relied on the unabated energy of youth, bolstered by emotion-packed, power-loving, heavy-hitting choreography by some of the entertainment industry's most notable choreographers, such as Mia Michaels, Tyce Diorio and Tabitha & Napoleon Dumo."


NorthSide said...

I admit I know nothing about the American show, but in Canada what I like about the style is that everyone is free to dance to their own beat. It's not like other dance shows where they have a theme each week or are strictly ballroom or even confines to a certain genre or popularity of music. The variety this show has really opens it up to a much broader audience and I can see why this "good ol' fashion fun" is stealing the ratings. Almost everyone can sit down and find one act they like.

Anonymous said...

I like how this show mixes a variety of dance. They don't just limit themselves to "emotional" dance, but mix in hip hop and flamenco, all sorts of things. I think this is how it gets such good ratings. It applies to such a large group of people, not just those who are interested in a certain style of dance, but those who are curious about dance in general.