CMU School of Drama

Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Complexity of the CARB regulations

Modern Woodworking - October 2008: There's no doubt about it - the regulations from the California Air Resources Board are a reality. Despite the rounds of arm wrestling, stomping and shouting challenging their necessity, the world's strictest formaldehyde emission standards for composite panels take effect beginning January 1, 2009.


NatalieMark said...

These new regualtions will shoot up the prices of previously cheap MDF and other plywoods used in theater construction. Hopefully over time the prices will regulate and drop again. As frustrating as these new regulations are it is great to see the world of theater doing its best to be greener.

Anonymous said...

I have always wondered why in an attempt to go greener theaters simply did not build things that could be used for more then one show. I honestly worry about what changing the formulas for MDFs and plywoods will have on what it is like to work with them. I know that they'll try to get the final products as close to what we have now, but I worry that the changes they'll be making might change something that won't be figured out till a bad time.