CMU School of Drama

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Toolmonger’s Top 5: The Week In Tools

Toolmonger: "It’s been a busy week here at Toolmonger. If you’ve been spending time in the shop — you should! — and you haven’t had a chance to keep up with Toolmonger this week, we suggest you start with these posts, which our readers helped to select"


BWard said...

pneumatic clamps? i dont see anything on their website about them being air-powered...

good idea still

dmxwidget said...

I like the idea for the safety glasses that are also reading glasses. Personally i wear glasses, and when I'm in the shop, its always a pain to wear both. The clamps are a cool idea, but then you have to have a compressor available to you wherever you are doing work. I loved playing with tinker toys when i was a kid, it would be fun to play with these bigger ones!