CMU School of Drama

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Toolmonger’s Top 5: The Week In Tools

Toolmonger: "It’s been a busy week here at Toolmonger. If you’ve been spending time in the shop — you should! — and you haven’t had a chance to keep up with Toolmonger this week, we suggest you start with these posts, which our readers helped to select"


BWard said...

(I always like these posts)
A tick tracer/wire stripper? why hasn't this been done already? Although, i'd like to see the sensor in the teeth, so that if you just go at stripping a wire, it lights up, rather than having to check with the handle first.

Serrano said...

The X-tract looks like a solid knife, but like most multi-tools it doesn't look like you could easily replace a piece yourself if a component gets damaged. I have started to like SOG tools because you can request any part of a multi tools and you can install it yourself easily.

Anonymous said...

Yea, the wire stripper is pretty cool though I'm not sure the light placement is as practical as it should be. Maybe when you actually use it it works better than it would seem to. The tank tool is pretty awesome though completely for display. At least it has metric and SAE sockets...

Ryan Hewlett said...

It doesn't list the price for the Tank Tool. That thing is sweet. I want one for PTM.