CMU School of Drama

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Surge Festival, A Reflection of Madrid’s Diverse Alternative Theater

The Theatre Times: October was the month of Surge Madrid festival. A collection of the alternative theater whose purpose was to show what artists on the fringes are doing. Dozens of plays could be enjoyed in the capital and in its surroundings during this time. It was a challenge for any reviewer or journalist covering the festival, as they had to select what to see and where to go in a city rich in theater temptations, even beyond the festival.

1 comment:

Elly Lieu Wolhardt said...

The Surge Madrid festival is an festival showcasing alternative, innovative theatre–showcasing what artist on ‘the fringes’ are doing. Throughout the festival, dozens of plays are exhibited in and around the capital. These plays are all vastly different, however, what is common between them is the use of performative forms of dance, a political undertone, feminism, and the commitment and passion of all who work on the production. Reading about the different pieces, I’m impressed with the ‘shock value’ these pieces seem to have. ‘Shock value’ is in quotes because while the aim perhaps could be to shock, it is more intentionally provocative rather then the aim to shock for a bit. The sheer variety and power of these works truly strikes me, and genuinely, it is amazing learning about these kinds of festivals with doing Newsquiz–it shows that different forms of theatre are currently being uplifted around the world, and that there is a growing space for experimentation of this artform, often viewed as a more traditional one.