CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

'Fight Club' Censored in China, Gets New Ending in Censorship Wars

Variety: David Fincher’s classic “Fight Club” has been given a different ending in China, where it’s now available on Tencent Video. The story of exactly how the new version came about is unsurprisingly murky, but it does provide something of a win-win situation for all parties.

1 comment:

Monica Tran said...

There is never an instance in history where censoring art or entertainment went well. They've never been censoring something because it actually helped someone. Instead, we live in this weird reality where if media doesn't line up with the way the government wants you to think, it gets cut or they change the narrative and threaten you with death if you don't. It's ridiculous, it's literally 2022. And some people will say that I've just got a very western way of thinking but guess what, you're still silencing people you're still warping a creation for the benefit of profit and not appreciating it in it's entirety. It's manipulating and it's shameful and scary that it actually happens and affects so many Chinese citizens who don't feel safe speaking out against the government or can't. I don't even like Fight Club but you should still let people watch it in all of it's terrible glory. Or don't talk about it. Cuz y'know, Fight Club.