CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 04, 2021

wiegand.waterrides GmbH | full-face VR snorkelling mask

blooloop: wiegand.waterrides, a leading water rides and attraction provider, presents a newly developed, unique, full-face snorkel mask, which uses VR to transport the wearer to a colourful underwater world. The mask itself is comfortable and easy to use, allowing the user to breathe normally through their nose and mouth rather than using the traditional-style snorkel mouthpiece, for a more relaxing and hygienic experience.


Dean Thordarson said...

Snorkeling in virtual reality. At first, I thought this was a very odd product to make, but I can see how it would appeal to many. For instance, if people don’t have easy access to a tropical vacation location, or have a fear of the ocean, this would be a much more accessible option so these people can still get a similar experience that they wouldn’t otherwise get. In addition, the article mentions that they have scenes where the user can be floating around in space, which of course is impossible to access… for anyone (save for the occasional astronaut, though no one has ever travelled farther than the moon). This would actually be an experience I would love to try, for the option of being able to experience as close to space travel as I will ever get. Watching the demo video, I was somewhat disappointed with the quality of some of the animated renderings, but this is quite possibly due to limitations of the technology we have available now, in conjunction with limited processing power within the actual virtual reality headset itself. Other than this small detail, I actually leave this article thinking this is a very interesting and unique new product.

Jonas Harrison said...

This is interesting, but really strange to me. It seems like it would be incredible to experience but its still odd that there is a market for this, or that somebody made this with the technology we have available today. Entering VR underwater seems like a more far-off idea to me than something that is being used right now. Honestly, I never appreciated VR until I actually used a headset at an arcade near home. Watching videos of somebody in VR is nothing like the actual thing, and it is a weird immersive experience to look all around you and be in a completely different space. At times it feels like you are really there. It was endearing to see my grandpa enthuse over a cardboard headset that you stick your phone into, which seems like the bare minimum for a VR set. Sure enough, I tried it and it was almost as immersive. Therefore, I think that trying this underwater VR set would be an incredible experience, its just crazy for me to believe this was even made.