CMU School of Drama

Monday, February 01, 2021

How LEED Certification System + Others Make Sustainable Architecture Buzzwords like sustainable architecture, green architecture, and environmental architecture are mentioned in almost every large-scale building project. While widespread adoption of environmental practices is certainly a great thing, it can be difficult to keep up and understand what makes a good sustainable building.


Jacob Wilson said...

From the article, it appears that the LEED point system is quite convoluted and has some workarounds. For example, they say that bike racks will add a point while other impacts like changing the overall energy usage will add the same amount of points. It sounds like the LEED point system is not the way to go. The article does not give us a lot of information about the Living Building Challenge but it seems like the certification to go with. It would be interesting for a show to try to meet the Living Building Challenge. How could a set design decrease water and energy use and use sustainable materials? Could we imply some of these through the design (like fake solar panels) but also actually implementing some of the aspects as well? Doing some of this in our world could inspire architects to create new designs or could help drive research into how to change our architecture and decrease our carbon footprint.

James Gallo said...

I think the idea of a sustainable building certification is a very good one that should be more widely used and made more widely accessible to builders all over the world. While the article explains that the Living Building Challenge is probably the most comprehensive of all of the certifications it talks about, it seems to also be the least accessible. Having such specific conditions means that it costs a lot to try to meet these goals. If the government was somehow involved in the building process and able to offer some sort of funding to help make buildings more sustainable, I think this would be a great start. I know that some states have programs that already do this, but I feel that if we had a more comprehensive plan in place to credit builders for using more sustainable design practices, we could take a bigger step towards positive action against climate change. Without actions like this, things will never get better in terms of climate.