CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Denk Studios is Womxn-Owned and Creates a Safe Space Jam Phelps, a recording and mixing engineer, is the owner of Denk Studios (North Carolina), a self-proclaimed safe space for all musicians regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, or gender identity. “I have made it my goal to serve my community by creating a welcoming environment for everyone who walks through my door. You will receive a quality product and a guaranteed great experience. I have pricing that supports most budgets and will work hard to make sure you are in love with your songs.”

1 comment:

Vanessa Mills said...

I always love reading articles from While sound is not my forte, I love reading about the way women are paving their own way in such a male-dominated industry. The fact that being a safe space for people from all walks of life is something so amazing to me. Being a Black and Mexican woman, I have found it very intimidating on several occasions to start at a new job or simply walk into a scene shop. These highly straight white male-dominated fields make it incredibly difficult for anyone different to reach the highest goal they can imagine. I think that it’s amazing and very important that Denk is owned by womxn. Little girls need to be able to see womxn in high, respected positions. Young people of color need to see older people of color in leadership positions. Young people in the LGTBQ community need to be able to see people in the LGBTQ community in positions of power. It’s all about representation at the end of it. It’s about tearing down the construct of straight white male-dominated fields.