CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

MovementPass: App Provides COVID-19 Immunity Passport

TPi: Spearheading the launch of a COVID-19 verification tool, Norwegian-based creators have developed the MovementPass app to ensure the industry is prepared and ahead of the game, when live events can operate again, with corroboration that ticket holders are COVID-19 free.

1 comment:

Taylor Boston said...

While I do think that this is a cool app concept, I'm not entirely sure I understand who the end user of this app is conceptually. I logically understand that it's supposed to be the every day person, but to what end? Honestly this just seems like the data they are collecting is something that can be uploaded to your phones health app, which is usually already installed on your phone. I do have some worries, mainly security of data and tracking of movement for other purposes besides simply monitoring people's immunity. I'm also unsure of why this is being advertised as only for concertgoers? The way the article is written makes it seem like this is to be a global solution, but I am confused as to why they are writing this app likes it's a one trick pony. If this was to become a thing for tracking COVID, would people attempting to go to concerts be mandated to have this app? I think about people using other people's accounts or simply opting out of downloading it which brings us back to being unable to fully contact trace and not knowing just how safe you are at events.