CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 04, 2020

COVID-19 Production Restart: Where Has Production Resumed Globally?

Variety: The coronavirus pandemic crippled production around the world across many months, enforcing an unavoidable hiatus in business that has wreaked havoc on film and TV production schedules. The summer saw a number of troubling flare-ups in certain countries as borders began reopening, but overall, the pandemic has stabilized enough in some nations to allow specific industries to resume — albeit very cautiously.

1 comment:

Taylor Boston said...

Something I liked about this article setup was the variety of locations that they picked, as each location has it's own national struggles and regulations with COVID-19. I think the most interesting part of reading this was the insurance and travel restrictions section of each location. As we are often shown or searching for theater related articles, it is interesting to see what is going on with major television shows and movies. All of this information however does make me think about what sort of push the movie industry is attempting to do, if at all, to get their films and shows back into production. With recent news that the newest Batman has been halted due to COVID-19 cases on set, it would be interesting to see if places like Australia would consider opening their borders/lowering restrictions for film crews and actors, or if locations like India will extend travel allowances for film professionals. Given the sheer number of people involved with movies and television, having hundreds of crew members arrive to be put into quarantine for two weeks seems like a large money sink upfront, so I would assume that if travel restrictions and COVID-19 restrictions were lessened for the film industry, it would be a slow start as the move crews and actors in waves (unless you're working on a large movie like Avatar, which probably has the money to bring everyone in at once if they still need crew to arrive).