CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Show Business Is Adapting To The Pandemic, But It Won’t Survive Unless Congress Steps Up As the coronavirus pandemic ravages the globe, America’s small businesses are collapsing, and they are finding scant support from their own government. The loan program intended to float them is underfunded, and the system set up to manage it is blowing gaskets – it crashed again on Monday as the next round of funding became available.

1 comment:

Emily Brunner (Bru) said...

It is really disheartening to see the government's response to helping the entertainment industry's need during this pandemic. I understand that everyone needs help, especially small businesses, during these times. However, I feel like bailing out the entertainment industry or at least allowing them to access funds a little bit easier or a bucket of funds that's just for them, could be used. Non-profits, especially those who tote non-essential programs, like the arts, may not survive this pandemic. Many live off of continuous donations from large corporations and individual donations, which now may be hard to get. Science centers, theaters, arts education entities, and many others are falling to the wayside. The world is one big mess right now. I am glad that many theaters have found an audience in an online format, but it isn't going to be sustainable for long. Hopefully some theaters and non-profits will make it through and be able to provide their entertainment after this pandemic when the world will sorely need it.