CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

300 People Are Trapped at a Music Festival in Panama Because of Coronavirus

VICE: Imagine: you’ve spent a fortnight gurning to rib-shaking basslines. You’ve spent hazy afternoons listening to the wisdom of indigenous elders. And you’ve lazed on the sand with a bunch of globe-trotting hippies on Playa Chiquita, one of Central America’s most beautiful beaches.

But as you reach the end of your music festival, you realise something’s not quite right. You’re actually stuck here – or more accurately, you’re trapped by local police and their fear of coronavirus.

1 comment:

Jillian Warner said...

Woah! This is definitely one of the more crazy headlines I’ve seen on here! I had no idea that so many people were trapped due to coronavirus concerns. I would be so worried if I were one of the people stuck there. Especially about having enough supplies and how long it might be before they are let go! In the article they mentioned that they hoped they had enough food for a week and they still had toilet paper, but I mean it could be weeks before they can process and test everyone! It also says in the article that the police officials are disorganized, changing their minds often, which sounds like a complete nightmare for festival goers. This makes me think of the infamous Fyre festival where patrons were promised a luxury tent and special accommodations at a music festival on a remote island, but the creators of the festival instead ran out of money so they started to run out of food and the shelters were very primitive. Then people had to figure out how to get back home.