CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 27, 2020

9 Time-Sucking Pitfalls To Avoid (Don't Go Down The Rabbit Hole!)

Pro Audio Files: Just about everyone who produces music has had the experience of wasting time in the studio — whether it was 30 minutes spent tweaking plugins or an afternoon spent trying to perfect a part that ended up getting cut. Making music is usually not the most linear process, but wasted time can be costly when you’re paying for studio time or using free time to record.

1 comment:

Emma Pollet said...

While I play instruments and sing (I know I am a DP and I know that this is often a biased claim), I do not consider myself as someone who “makes music”. However, I still relate to this article because I am always that person who exhausts a minor detail to its limit. And in the end, no one ends up ever noticing it but me. I hesistate to call this a flaw because my joy and satisfaction in what I do lies in the details. When I think back on what I have done, it is not the scope of my designs that makes me proud; it’s the details. I know that this article was not written with the intention of shaming attention to detail, but I just had to say all of that because I feel like asking myself the question “Is this going to matter to someone [seeing] this [piece] for the first time?” could get dangerous.