CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Instigating Institutional Change Towards Decolonization

HowlRound Theatre Commons: The Global First Nations Performance Network (GFNPN) is thinking about how to be acute and responsible while acknowledging that the systemic inequities revealed by this pandemic are reflective of the deliberate settler-colonialist project and paradigm.

GFNPN will continue to grow alongside our accomplices. The work and efforts of our cultural organizations in these times of urgency and emergency must consider, center, and continue toward decolonization and indigenization rather than forsake these shifts in consciousness, awareness, and action for the sake of a “return to normalcy.”

1 comment:

Mia Romsaas said...

Museums are not neutral !
As a former employee of an art institution, this is a big topic of conversation that is ongoing. My museum was in the works of these conversations. We held workshops, conferences, and conventions, including people from a local and national scale to discuss how art museums play a role in colonization and eurocentrism. It was hard although. I worked on the teen council for the museum, and a lot of times it felt like we didn’t have a voice. But we did all the small things that we could to make changes. Traditional art institutions definitely feel very, just that, traditional American. I think it is important for these institutions to first, recognize their compliance in colonialism and that museums are not neutral, and then can begin working on deconstructing and thinking critically about their role in the problem. It is certainly a process although, and nobody can expect it to change overnight.