CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Project Miller Now Available on #AutodeskLabs

It is Alive in the Lab: Hanno van Raalte is our Product Manager for Autodesk Simulation Moldflow Products. I have worked with him on previous technology previews like Project Scandium. Jerad Stack is a Product Line Manager in our Design, Lifecycle, & Simulation (DLS) division. I love DLS. They leverage the Autodesk Labs process quite often which keeps me employed. :-) So it should be no surprise that the DLS team has a new technology preview for your to try.

1 comment:

Jason Lewis said...

Although I don't know much about 3D printing, I find it astounding to see how much technology has grown with it recently, such as project miller. What I like about this project is that it allows you to take a look into the interior and allows you to see the status of the printing on the computer. 3D printing seems to be a quickly growing technology and I'm really happy to see that. I feel it will be a very useful tool not only for our purposes in theatre, but in the world. I remember last year reading an article about 3D printing with health benefits and things of the like and I can't wait to see how programs, such as this one, will help revolutionize 3D printing and make it into something more than just a fun thing to experience and work with.