CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Woodcarver’s Safety Glove

Toolmonger: "Whenever I hear the words “safety” and “gloves” together, I either flash back to high school PSA’s, or I feel a distinct urge to dig out my old Men Without Hats album."


Anonymous said...

This is kind of cool because of the design of the glove. It's crazy the kind of innovation that can occur for something that's seemingly obvious or something you would think already existed. My only objection, however, is that I've always been taught never to use tools with gloves regardless of whether or not they're power tools. I suppose that this glove would be sold individually not pairs so that may sort of clear up that issue.

Anonymous said...

This is kind of cool because of the design of the glove. It's crazy the kind of innovation that can occur for something that's seemingly obvious or something you would think already existed. My only objection, however, is that I've always been taught never to use tools with gloves regardless of whether or not they're power tools. I suppose that this glove would be sold individually not pairs so that may sort of clear up that issue.

Oops... I can't spell my name...

Sam Thompson said...

I don't really see the harm that could come from wearing these while using whittling tools. I totally agree that a lot of tools should not be operated while wearing gloves, but I also think that a lot of hand tools are fine to use with gloves on. This is the equivalent of a sewer wearing a thimble, and I don't think that it could do anything but good, other than perhaps lulling you into complacency about the use of your knife.