CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 10, 2008

Why girls' night out is in again

The Denver Post: "Robert Wells knew he was on to something when a woman called his Avenue Theater in February to order two tickets for herself and her husband to 'Girls Only, The Secret Comedy of Women.'
Wells politely told her she could not bring her husband along, and she replied: 'Really? . . . Then I'll take 10!'"


Anonymous said...

"Theaters are targeting women like never before, and why not? With the economy in such turmoil, there is no more dependable demographic. Women made up 64 percent of all Broadway audiences in 2006-07, and most regional theaters say the heartland numbers are about the same."
I dont really know how I feel about this.. Obviously they are doing well for themselves, the production, but still cutting off half of your audience makes it a bit more of a challenge. They have been doing well though. I like how the show is targeted towards women and only women but allows men to see it... if they want. It is an interesting think I think but I do not know how well I would personally like it.

Isabella said...

While I understand how shows like this might be perceived as simply a way of making money, I do not believe there is anything wrong with targeting a certain audience. All industries target their products toward a certain audience in order to be successful. It might not be art for everybody but ultimately it is giving that particular audience what they want.

Megan Spatz said...

I think its great that theatre is making itself more available and relatable to women. Like Paige said, there is a very large chunk of audiences that is female, and it is important for theatre to address that. However its important to remember that while comedies for women are good and well, it is essential to have other genres that cater to women.

Unknown said...

I think that its good that girls are having girls night out in the theatre. I mean, its better than in some shady ally, not to mention there's a story from to go along with it. Sometimes girls just want a night out, hence, go to the theatre.