CMU School of Drama

Friday, November 07, 2008

West End Thriller show starts hunt for 'young Michael Jackson'

The Stage: "Open auditions will be held at the Lyric Theatre - where the show will be staged - on Sunday, November 23, and its producers are looking for a young black, African American or dual heritage boy aged 11 to 15 who has an “excellent unbroken pop/rock voice with a high range”."


Kelli Sinclair said...

There is a Thriller musical? What in the world is the plot? I wonder if it’s like Mamma Mia in that it just uses music from the artist and creates a story. Or is it just on the music video? The show sounds interesting, but I'm a little skeptical. Part of me is really tired of musical based on some popular media.

Anonymous said...

Ok this would just be bad ass. This would sell like mad i think here in the states. Sure it's a novelty thing but hell i would definitely go see it.

Hell,Mama Mia sold, with all the nay saying. Dam Abba.

Anonymous said...

I'm hesitant to deem this genius just yet even though I'm a huge Michael Jackson fan. I think this could go quite well. From the articles I've read elsewhere, the musical is supposed to cover Michael's journey as an artist from childhood to adulthood. The concept sounds awesome and if anyone should be responsible I think Adrian Grant would be one of the top on my list. This is only touring Europe. I've heard talk about it moving to the US but it's not confirmed yet. I hope it goes well though, Michael could really use a career boost in preparation for new material to be released in the coming years.