Tuesday, November 11 th
2-4 PM - The John Heinz History Center
Panelists: Jim Roddey,Senior Consultant, McCrory & McDowell LLC;
Jim Smith, Managing Partner, Smith, Dawson & Andrews, Washington, DC
Chuck Kolling, Government Relations, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
Chris Briem, Regional Economist, Center for Social and Urban Research, University of Pittsburgh
Diana Bucco, President, The Forbes Funds
Grant Oliphant, President/CEO, The Pittsburgh Foundation
co-sponsored by Leadership Pittsburgh Inc, Pgh Business Times, Dewey & Kaye Non-Ptofit consultants, The pittsburgh Fiundation and the Senator John Heinz History Center
The Impact of the Current Sate of Affairs on Communities and Non Profits in 2009
Topics to be covered include: Presidential Election Outcome * Economic Turmoil * State Revenue Shortfall
Free and open, but please register by November 7 at registration@mccmcd.com For information, contact Sherry parker 412 281 9690 X164
4:30pm – Porter Hall Room 100 (Gregg Hall) , Carnegie Mellon
Marcus Mabry, International Business Editor, The New York Times
Global Politics and the American Presidency Lecture Series – “How Race Affected the 2008 Presidential Election”
Join us for this special lecture with award-winning journalist Marcus Mabry who will share his perspectives on Election 2008 as he discusses the role of race in 2008 Presidential Election. Mabry is the International Business Editor of The New York Times, where directs the paper’s coverage of international news for the Business Day section and manages the section’s foreign correspondents around the world. Mabry previously worked at Newsweek for 19 years, serving in various positions including business and international affairs reporter, foreign correspondent in
This lecture is hosted by the Global and International Relations Program and the Heinz Washington DC Program.
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