CMU School of Drama

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tanya Gold goes behind the scenes at Imagine This, the Warsaw ghetto musical

The Guardian: "In Imagine This, a new musical about the Holocaust, a group of actors in the Warsaw ghetto stage a play. The play is about a community of Jews in Masada who, in AD73, are surrounded by the Roman army and, rather than surrender, choose to kill themselves en masse. 'With rumours of the Final Solution in the air,' the press release says, 'their play merges with the reality they are trying to escape and a dramatic love story unfolds.' Ah. It is dead Jew piled on dead Jew, with song, and it is coming to a major West End venue in London. I absolutely have to go down and examine it. Will it be Springtime for Hitler, without the irony?"

1 comment:

arosenbu said...

I am not so sure what I think about this. I think that as a play, it would be a wonderful thing to get at the stories of the people in the Warsaw ghetto. But I don't think I like the musical aspect. I was kind of offended that the likened this play to guys and dolls or sweeney todd. That is NOTHING like the holocaust. And I'm sorry to everyone in the cast, who seem to truly believe that forcing people out of their homes and into horrible, inhumane conditions was not a part of the Holocaust. It was. Try telling some of the survivors of Warsaw. In addition, I really hope they DO talk to some survivors to learn the stories and at least how to play it out better.